A Full Life

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“The full flood of my life is not in bodily health, not in external happenings, not in seeing God’s work succeed, but in the perfect understanding of God, and in the communion with Him that Jesus Himself had … The cares of this world, said Jesus, will choke God’s word!

Be rightly related to God, find your joy there, and out of you will flow rivers of living water.” – Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 31.

Isaiah 27:7-9
Did the Lord strike Israel
as he struck the one who struck Israel?
Was Israel killed like those killed by the Lord?
You disputed with Israel
by banishing and driving her away.
He removed her with his severe storm
on the day of the east wind.
Therefore Jacob’s iniquity will be atoned for in this way,
and the result of the removal of his sin will be this:
when he makes all the altar stones
like crushed bits of chalk,
no Asherah poles or incense altars will remain standing.

Jesus prophecy?

What brought my attention to is was “no Asherah poles or incense altars will remain standing,” but before that, “…When He makes all the altar stones like crushed bits of chalk. If no altars, no ritual sacrifice; no Asherah poles and incense, no evil or blind religion in the world?