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These are studies I have done as an individual or in group studies, and some studies that I’m doing currently or plan to do. Great for gaining insight and being able to apply scripture to your everyday life.

Wisdom for Mothers is the first study I ever did. I started it in a group setting, but we didn’t finish it. A few years later I attempted to go through it with two other women, but our schedules and lives just didn’t allow it. I still haven’t completed it, but plan to. It is insightful and helpful.

Wisdom for Mothers

Keeping the Secrets of Jesus for Women had a large impact on me. I had struggled with some of the things scripture calls me to do. This study helped me to really focus on doing the things I’m called to do, and after I started practicing, I discovered profound truths, which I will share in various articles. For anyone who struggles with spiritual discipline, this one is proven to be helpful for one of the most independent and stubborn people I know–myself.

Keeping the Secrets of Jesus for Women

Armor of God is the study that I can say with some certainty has had the most impact on my daily life. There is now a small sheet of paper that I use for a bookmark in my prayer journal that lists the armor parts and I review it every day when I’m writing in my journal.

Armor of God

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted was a super-great study! For such a small book–only 4 chapters–Jonah is a wealth of insight and revelation! This study really helped me relate to the situation Jonah was in and see my Ninevehs and to look at interruptions differently; I pay more attention when I have interruptions (and have found they are usually ironically and comically for my own good).

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted

Discerning the Voice of God was brought to my attention and I instantly wanted to do the study! I am currently at the very, very beginning. This is a highly recommended study from many women I have spoken with. I’m excited to do it!

Discerning the Voice of God (this is the 2006 version; the newer version is HERE)

In trying to get to know, identify with, and understand more about the various people in the Bible, I started looking for more information about Paul. I had though the book I’d ordered was about the life of Paul and would give me more than the information within the Bible, giving me more as Paul the person. What I got was a self-study that was not as much information as I had wanted about Paul, but provided great prompts to answer questions I would have probably never come up with on my own.

Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith

After my experience with Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith, I looked for more of the studies by Beth Moore. It seemed wrong that I do anything else before I did the study Jesus: 90 Days With the One and Only. In the beginning of the book, Beth Moore mentions how nervous she was writing the book–I can only imagine! What a huge task! I am thankful the did do the study, and she did it very well.

Jesus: 90 Days With the One and Only