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Some people have a hard time praying. I understand. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us! He knows what we need, He knows what we are trying to express and does so for us.

Stormie Omartian has written multiple books about praying and provides prayers to help people. I hope sharing my prayers will also help.

I have left the names blank for you to be able to personalize the prayer and direct it to whomever you need to pray for.

This page will be updated, as I come up with new prayers on a daily basis. I follow the advice of Watchman Nee and keep a prayer journal. Actually, I keep two: a “permanent” journal and a notebook. As I get through a notebook (some prayers fall off the list when they are answered or the prayer becomes obsolete, other prayers get moved to the “permanent” journal as they require more time). Use what you will of this.

I pray for the people of the world to be saved.

I pray for the full restoration of Israel (Zech 10:9)

I pray for this country, that it may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and purity.

“Oh, Lord, where do I need to be changed? Is there yet sin that has not been dealt with? Is there any selfish desire which needs to be purified? Is there any practical lesson of faith that I must learn? Or is there anything that I need to forsake?” -Watchman Nee

Lord, please give me wisdom. Give me courage to do what You want, when You want, to bring You glory. Remind me to make it all about You, Lord, less about me. This is my daily prayer.

Lord, I pray for my family, that You keep them safe and healthy. Help us to live in harmony; may we bring You glory and be a testament to Your faithfulness and love.

God – Father, Son, Holy Ghost, You are:
All-powerful, all-mighty, big, strong, generous, loving, kind, caring, perfect (flawless and complete), gentle, patient, all-knowing, omnipotent, Creator, creative, ultimate organizer/coordinator/conductor, perfect timing, more than I can comprehend—huge, boggles my mind—abundant, overflowing, “fire hose,” understanding, just, fair, awesome, wonderful, amazing, orchestrator, fabulous…

Please open ____________ to You, Your truth. Have him/her recognize and acknowledge You. Save him/her, Lord!

I see the times coming to an end. Please save _____________’s soul!

Please draw ________________, _________________, ______________ and _____________ (children) to You.

I lift ____________________ up to You. Please do a revival on his/her heart.

Psalm 143:8;10
Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You. Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you. (10) Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground.

Please help ___________ and _____________’s relationship, marriage. Open them to You. Lay on their hearts.

Please rain down provision on _________________ and ________________.

Open me, Lord. Give me more understanding of You. Give me discernment, overflow me with the fruit of the Spirit. Inspire me, kick me in the butt, motivate me to do Your will, be all about You. To follow the path You light up, on Your timeline, at Your pace.

Lord, please put in my mind and heart the desires You have. Make those my desires, take my human nature desires away—I want to want what You want. Your thoughts and ways are higher, Your desires are better. Please give me those desires.

Thank you for all the ideas and resources for _______________. Please give me the fortitude, motivation, and wherewithal to follow through with these projects. Please use them to grow your kingdom and bring You glory.

Lord, You provide all. You engineer circumstances down to the last detail. Your timing is perfect. Mya I always take heed of that—keep me from being prideful of heeding! There seem to be traps of sin everywhere. Please open my eyes, make me conscious of sin I am about to commit and am committing so that I may repent—180 degrees.

Lord, I pray for America. I pray the evil be revealed, people exposed and dealt with…awaken people. Blind justice and liberty for all.

I rise before the dawn and cry out for help; I put my hope in Your word.

I life up __________ and __________ to You. They don’t know You. I pray You reveal Yourself to them, draw them to You. Surround them with Your love, bless them, and show them Your glory.

Lord, please stay on my mind. Please do not let me get busy and forget to thank You. Lay on me, so I remember to do everything for You.

Thank You for Zechariah 7’s remind.

Please soften my heart, keep me pliable to Your will. Make me aware, give me clarity; give me strength, endurance, and strong character—not just in words but in actions.

Thank You for the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Obeying You does not mean an easy life; being blessed and/or favored does not mean earthly wealth, fame, etc. It doesn’t mean comfort and ease.

Lord, please keep the eyes of my spirit on the Risen Christ. May I view everything the way You do, take the bad with the good, and pray constantly with thanksgiving.

Give me proper perspective, Lord. Give me words when I need them, the correct words. Give me conviction of my beliefs and the ability to articulate to defend my hope—Jesus died for my sins, redeemed me, make it possible for me to have a relationship with You. He is Your Son: He died on the cross, arose on the third day, conquering death. He gave me new life, and his blood sealed the agreement. Thank you, Lord!

Lord, help me remember and understand that my spiritual makes—comes out in—my physical and mental. Help me to have—attain and keep—great spiritual health. It is all about You; give me opportunity to bring You glory.

Dear Lord, please protect __________.

Lord, please lay Your hand on that family. Please guide them with a strong hand, give them wisdom and draw them to You.

Lord, I am a sinner. You graciously let me come boldly before You, make my requests—selfish and earthly—and move through my day without much thought or consideration of You. I *feel* as though I’ve become lax in my recognition of You in all areas of my life. Please lay on my heart and mind that You have all of this under control, it is all going according to Your plan, Your timing, Your will, and all for Your glory.

Lord, I pray for _________________. I ask that You lay Your hand on him/her. Remind him/her that he/she is Your child and regardless of what the world thinks, or even he/she thinks, that he/she is worth something to You. You love him/her so much that You sent Your one and only Son to die a horrible death on a cross to pay for his/her sins and redeem him/her. To You be the glory. May _____________’s eyes be opened, his/her ears unstopped, his/her mind renewed and his/her heart as well. Please comfort him/her, fill him/her with Your love, peace and joy.

Lord, I pray for Joe Biden. I pray You open the eyes, ears, and minds of him, his handlers and followers. Give them understanding of what America is about; I beg You not to allow them to turn it socialist. Show them You, Your ways. Lay on them to do what You want. Have them recognize TRUTH, not rely on their feelings. Feelings change, feelings lie. Biden et al support so many things that are against You! Stop them, please. Give them eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to understand. Convict them, humble them, have them repent! Satan has them in his grip, free them, please, Lord!

Lord, I truly beg You to open __________’s heart to You. Open all of him/her to You, undeniably—so he/she can see his/her own foolishness, his/her own idiocy. He/she refuses You and Your blessing, trying to be his/her own boss. He/She is pouting like a 2-year-old. He/She thinks he/she is so entitled. Lord, please open him/her to You. Show him/her.

And guide me. Give me Your strength and endurance because You know I’m close to breaking, close to bursting.

And help me to see when I’m being pouty, entitled, and lazy; but also show me consequences of bad decisions BEFORE I make the decision and steer me from bad decisions.

Lord, please have ______________ get a job that gives a great deal of earthly provision—You’re in charge. Have the provision be managed in the way You want.

Lord, please help me to guide my children—blood or otherwise—to be God-fearing, honest, functional, productive, capable adults and that I and they give You all the glory.

I’m going to need a lot of help, Lord! Please, help me!

Lord, I pray for _________. I don’t know what all he is thinking right now. He’s struggling. Please, Lord, help him/her navigate this time. Keep him/her safe, give him/her wisdom, lay on him/her to always keep You in front, do everything for You and Your glory. I can’t control him/her, I can’t make him/her think certain things; heck, I can’t even make him/her think. I will do what I can here, but You are the One in control. Please guide ________ gently and give him/her wisdom.

The kids in the neighborhood aren’t nice, Lord. How do I help? How do I rectify? How do I effectively correct? Can I only protect my children from the bad influences? Give me the words and actions to be immediately effective. Please, Lord.

Lord, please keep me focused on You while I go about completing these various goals and tasks. Keep me true to You and always looking to You. When I do, You reveal things that otherwise remain hidden.

I ask that You make me ultra-successful in my endeavors. I believe You will. Maybe not in an earthly riches sort of way, but if You can use my endeavors to advance Your purpose and kingdom, please do so.

And please save _____________’s soul.