The books on this page are books that I have read and have helped me in one way or another in my relationship with God. I suggest them because I truly believe they can help you, too!
Clicking on links will take you to Amazon (in a new tab) where you can read more about the book and purchase it if you like (and some of the resources are FREE, like this first one!).
I have a friend, Glenn, who is not related to me that has been in my life all my life. That doesn’t seem very meaningful, until I can name only a few (he and his wife possibly being the only two) that have been there from the beginning and are still there. It hasn’t been daily, but sporadic over the years; until recently, that is, when I started taking my kids to the youth dinner and Bible study they host at their house every Wednesday evening.
They knew my mom when she was 18 and on, and Glenn was a mentor to my mom. They attended the church my grandparents attended; they hosted one of the courses at the annual New Years dinner. And after my car accident, I stayed at their house for two weeks after I left the rehab center.
Glenn officiated mine and Jeramie’s wedding. I asked and he was kind enough to oblige me. This man and his wife are very special to me. Recently I got back in touch with Glenn, who I have that sort of relationship that years can go by without seeing each other, but when we do see each other, it’s like no time has passed. He recommended that I read a book called The Greatest Thing In the World by Henry Drummond. Excellent book and I highly recommend it.
It’s FREE and instant download on Amazon!!!

Before I read a book, before I did a book study, I did a group study that Lee Byram hosted. I cannot express the difference the study has made in my life and the advantage it has given me to increase my ability to accept others as they are, and to dole out grace and mercy more abundantly. In short, it has helped me immensely to imitate Jesus, which is really the goal.
As it turns out, there is a book on it: Discover Your God-Given Gifts. Lee somehow helped in writing the book (interesting tidbit–<singing> “It’s a small, small world”). The book is great and the first thing I recommend to everyone!!! Knowing your gift and being able to identify what others’ gifts are is amazingly helpful! P.S. I scored super-high in the teaching and administration.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. is the second must-read book I recommend. Knowing the gifts and being able to identify them in yourself and others; and knowing your love language and being able to identify the love language of others are the two most valuable pieces of information and skill that I have gained and use on a continuous–daily–basis. If you do nothing else, please, please read the Discover Your God-Given Gifts and The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts.

Interview with Jesus
Interview with Jesus was the first book I read when I came back to Christ. I was having a difficult time identifying with Jesus as a person and this book really helped! It got me really excited and comprehend that Jesus was truly human.

Killing Jesus is claimed to be the most researched book about the last days of Jesus as a human. It is rather intriguing and has details that I had not considered before.

The Power of the Praying Wife helped me immensely to put into words the things I wanted to say to God about my husband. When I was at wits end, frustrated, speechless, this book helped me. It helped me with the words, but it also helped remind me that God gave me this man and me to this man.

After The Power of the Praying Wife helped me so much in the words and wants for my husband, I thought that I should be praying for the kids, too. I was right! Thankfully, Stormie Omartian wrote The Power of the Praying Parent! Things I never would have even thought of and the exact words! Whew! Thank you, Stormie!