There Is Always A Way

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Isaiah 35:8
A road will be there and a way;
it will be called the Holy Way.
The unclean will not travel on it,
but it will be for the one who walks the path.
Fools will not wander on it.

The Lord always makes a way–a path through the wilderness of life. The path is the way of Jesus. What would Jesus do?

I need to be careful to not mis-characterize Jesus. My mind’s eye has Him as some white guy, gently caring for children, similar to Snow White surrounded by the forest animals. Each vision is about as real as the other.

I’m really bad at reading tone, inferring tone, but there are times that it is specifically pointed out that Jesus was angry or frustrated. I’m sure it came out in his voice. Surely he didn’t speak in baby talk *all* the time. How boring, too, if he was monotone.