“Is the Lord Jesus Christ being abundantly satisfied in your life or have you got a spiritual strut on? Never let common sense obtrude and push the Son of God on one side. Common sense is a gift which God gave human nature; but common sense is not a gift of His Son. Supernatural sense is the gift of His Son; never enthrone common sense. The Son detects the Father; common sense never yet detected the Father and never will.” -Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 9.
This passage is a giant relief to me. All my life people have commented how intelligent I am, but I have always lacked “common sense.” People wouldn’t point that out, except those closest to me, but they couldn’t have been the only ones to notice. Finally I’m thankful for my lack!
“Children and fools,” … I’ve always been thankful that God has been gracious and merciful–extra, extra in my case. I have done things that common sense would say are crazy; God has always protected me.
Thank you Oswald Chambers for turning what I thought was a negative into a positive!
Micah 5:5-6
5 He will be their peace.
When Assyria invades our land,
when it marches against our fortresses,
we will raise against it seven shepherds,
even eight leaders of men.
6 They will shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword,
the land of Nimrod with a drawn blade.
So he will rescue us from Assyria
when it invades our land,
when it marches against our territory.
Jesus prophecy. Where is this on the timeline? Sounds like Jesus would be military, but then the first line of verse 6 says “They will shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword…” Who is they?
But then it says “So he will rescue us from Assyria.” I need a Bible that capitalizes pronouns when referring to God or any part of the Trinity!
Micah 5:13
13 I will remove your carved images
and sacred pillars from you
so that you will no longer worship
the work of your hands.
How guilty am I of thinking something my hands created as important? Lord, thank You for the simplicity of this verse. Help me to keep perspective; help me to keep my priorities straight.